Graduation Support

I would just like to thank you for the support your charity has given me towards my graduation. Without your help, it would have been unlikely that I would have been able to attend or have any photos to recall this chapter of my life.

With your help, I am now able to afford my robe, hat, accommodation and transport and even a photo package to give to my family, whom are all very much into their 80’s and unable to travel. Most of all, I promised my uncle, (the closest family member to my late father) that I would complete my degree as my Dad had wished, despite it being very difficult at times without parental support. The opportunity to give him a keepsake photo of me in my graduation gown really will be the most special achievement I have done to date.

I am very fortunate that some of my friends will be attending my ceremony, and we are all going to have a celebratory meal afterwards to close the book of what has been one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my life.

Thank you Brig-y-Don Children’s Charity, you all really are fairy godmothers at times like this and I can’t thank you enough.

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