2015 Christmas Present
Appeal Feedback

The Christmas Present Appeal was a much needed resource which helped the families we support to enjoy a happier Christmas. The presents were varied and well thought out to match the children’s needs.  I have heard nothing but positives from my families about the presents and many can’t believe the generosity of their fellow Islanders.

I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the presents that you organised for the children that I work with.  When I went round to distribute them, all the families were incredibly grateful. Two of these families are going through a very difficult time due to health issues, were particularly grateful and it will make such a big difference to the children concerned.

The Christmas presents were very much appreciated by the families that received them.  The fact that we could suggest themes for our clients was a great idea and the small gifts wrapped alongside the vouchers for the older children made the present much more exciting.

There was a previously owned camera with the presents I received for my clients that went down particularly well.  This allowed the client to take part in the youth service ‘days of happiness challenge’ that consisted of taking a theme of photos throughout Christmas.

Receiving specific gifts for the children, either something the child or parent has requested, made it so much more personal and not just a hand out.

One social worker, who works mainly with teenagers, requested vouchers for most of her clients. All of the teenagers appreciated the vouchers; most saying they would buy clothing. One young girl received make-up and perfume as a present, she especially liked this present as she rarely gets anything ‘new’.

The young mum I gave some of the gifts to was overwhelmed by the kindness shown by strangers and after Christmas told me about the surprise and delight of her son when he woke on Christmas day to find so many presents for him.

The presents made the children very happy. One family in particular were thrilled with the presents as they had very little due to their financial difficulties.

Because of the kindness shown this meant that some families that would have otherwise found Christmas a really difficult time were able to enjoy it and spend a little more on necessities such as extra food and heating.

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